LID vs PID: What’s degrading your solar panels?
blog postPV modules may experience one or both of two forms of degradation: Potential Induced Degradation (PID) and Light Induced Degradation (LID). PID refers to degradation induced by high voltages. On the other hand, LID refers to degradation that occurs

Solar efficiency: are defective panels hurting your bottom line?
blog postThe solar industry is booming, yet plant operators are being affected by underperforming panels. To earn a profit in this global, dynamic market, solar farm managers must answer an important question: how can you ensure solar array is working well?

Advanced Solar Data: Is It Really Music To Our Ears?
case-studiesWe recently revisited a fascinating study by researchers from Imperial College London and Queen Mary University of London, who discovered that solar-electric power conversion accomplished by photovoltaic devices is enhanced by acoustic vibrations.
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How to Maximize Solar Energy Generation with Digital Asset Management
blog postThere is a general agreement that digital transformation is the next step for the solar photovoltaic industry. As plant income/MW is falling, IRR is going down due to market maturing and di-risking of assets and yield, and operations expenses are increasing, business processes must become more efficient, integrated and autonomous. Digital Transformation in Practice So […]